The final draft of Laurel’s 10-year comprehensive plan update has been distributed – and uploaded to this website. It reflects the many comments, concerns and recommendations of Laurel’s Planning and Zoning Commission, Mayor and Council, and state agencies such as DelDOT, DNREC, Department of Agriculture, and the Office of State Planning Coordination.
The plan and its recommendations still adhere to the Guiding Principles established in July 2016 by the Laurel Plan Advisory Team, with Mayor Shwed and several council members in attendance. It places a heavy emphasis on the redevelopment and rehabilitation of Laurel’s downtown, particularly within the Downtown Development District. But it also discusses the opportunity for extensive commercial development along US 13 made possible by the extension of water and wastewater service.
“Ultimately, the plan belongs to the residents of Laurel,” said Lee Ann Walling of Cedar Creek Planning and Communications. She conducted interviews, gathered data and wrote, designed and revised the plan. “If you take a look at the plan, you are likely to learn a few things you didn’t know about your town. As comprehensive plans go, I believe it is readable and full of interesting data, maps and other information.”
The plan includes sections on Economic Development, Transportation, Housing, Community Development, and Future Land Use.
The plan can be downloaded or viewed on screen in a magazine-style format.
Laurel’s Planning and Zoning Commission held a hearing on the plan last month; at its next meeting on August 13, the commission is expected to make a recommendation for or against its adoption to the Mayor and Council. Town Council will conduct its hearing on Monday, September 18. The plan must also be certified by the Governor.