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So far LRC has created 27 blog entries.

Sept. 29: Learn about Laurel’s DDD

By |2017-11-27T17:21:20-05:00September 10th, 2016|Laurel|

You can learn more about what Laurel's Downtown Development District designation means at a meeting on Tuesday, September 29 at the Laurel Public Library. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. If you live or own a commercial property within the district, rehabilitating or upgrading that property will become much more attractive because of local and state incentives. State grants are available for qualifying projects as small as $15,000. Besides the state DDD grants, DDDs receive [...]

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State gives green light to Laurel’s future

By |2017-11-27T17:21:20-05:00August 3rd, 2016|Laurel|

Laurel's proposed Downtown Development District Entrepreneurs, developers and homeowners who wants to reinvest in Laurel's downtown and Broad Creek waterfront will soon have access to a state pool of more than $8.5 million. On Tuesday, August 2, the state Cabinet Committee on State Planning Issues recommended Laurel as one of five small towns to receive a Downtown Development District designation. The proposed DDD area includes the Broad Creek waterfront encompassing the proposed Ramble [...]

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Survey results lead to guiding principles

By |2016-07-25T08:40:05-04:00July 25th, 2016|Laurel|

After digesting the results of 355 online surveys, the Laurel Plan Advisory Team agreed on a set of six value statements that will guide the town's 10-year growth plan. They met on July 21 at the Laurel Public Library. The guiding principles are: We will be a close-knit community that creates walkable streets, safe neighborhoods and attractive public places so that all our residents feel secure and confident about their town. We will improve the appearance [...]

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Survey results and more on July 21

By |2016-07-14T12:45:57-04:00July 14th, 2016|Laurel|

We are closing in on 300 responses to the online survey regarding your vision for Laurel. That is a healthy response. The results will be revealed at a public Laurel Plan Advisory Team meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 21 in the Laurel Public Library. Even more important, we will use those results to draft guiding principles for the 10-year update of Laurel's Comprehensive Plan. Essentially, the plan is the town's vision and plan for [...]

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Add your voice to Laurel’s vision

By |2017-11-27T17:21:20-05:00June 26th, 2016|Laurel, Uncategorized|

How do you think Laurel should grow? What do you value about the community - whether you live here or not? The town is working on its 10-year growth plan, or comprehensive plan, and the Laurel Plan Advisory Team will establish guiding principles to direct recommendations in the plan and, hopefully, future decision-making by the town. The anonymous online survey has 28 questions, and most of them can be answered quickly, so it takes about [...]

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A colorful part of Laurel’s history

By |2017-11-27T17:21:20-05:00June 21st, 2016|Laurel|

Contributed by Ed Lewandowski. Cut-off buses full of watermelons seen traveling the back roads and busy byways in southwestern Sussex County, DE are synonymous with summers in this part of the state. These buses are used to transport the watermelons from the field to the auction and packing houses for sale and transport to points across North America. Many of these watermelons find their way to Laurel's farmers' market, also known as "The Block," which [...]

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DDD: The promise of Laurel

By |2017-11-27T17:21:21-05:00June 1st, 2016|Laurel|

Today is the deadline for Delaware towns to submit their applications for a Downtown Development District application. The Town of Laurel actually submitted its application on May 24. You can view all the elements of the town's application on this page. If the town is successful, developers and others who invest in Laurel - including homeowners - will be eligible for state grants of 20 percent off their hard costs. For example, if a developer were [...]

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Let’s kick off the plan together

By |2017-11-27T17:21:21-05:00April 6th, 2016|Laurel|

The first meeting of the Town's comprehensive plan advisory team will be 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 13 at the Laurel Public Library. The gathering is open to the public. The plan update, which will guide growth in Laurel for the next 10 years, is required by the state. But the town has an opportunity to create a living document that straightforwardly addresses the needs and concerns of all Laurel residents. One goal of the Plan Advisory Team [...]

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April in Laurel – enter our Instagram contest

By |2016-03-31T17:34:07-04:00March 31st, 2016|Laurel|

It's beginning to look like spring out there.  To celebrate the greenery and the blooms, we are launching a Reimagine Laurel Instagram contest. It will run the month of April, and the winner will receive a $50 gift card to Abbotts on Broad Creek. The subject can be anything in the Laurel area - including Trap Pond, historic sites, people, picnics, ponds, parks, pansies - anything that evokes spring and new beginnings. Use the hashtag #april19956 [...]

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Paddling adventures for all levels

By |2017-11-27T17:21:21-05:00March 25th, 2016|Laurel|

If there is one experience that Laurel can promote above all others, it is the opportunity to explore by kayak, canoe and stand-up paddleboard (SUP). There is one opportunity coming up in April with a Spring Birding Weekend that includes canoe and kayak trips at Trap and Trussum Ponds. For beginners who may need a “Bunny Slope” experience, you can start on the gentle waters at Trap Pond or one of the nine other mill ponds within [...]

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